Flag in the window

Posted by
Harry (Apex, NC, United States) on 17 July 2012 in Architecture and Portfolio.

A charming old building restored in the riverfront area of Laurenceburg, IN.

SONY DSLR-A700 1/500 second F/8.0 ISO 200 60 mm (35mm equiv.)

Welcome to all. I began blogging Retained-Images in 2004 at My-Expressions.com. It is gone now.

Slackwater - Don from Spokane, United States

The flag catches attention immediately. After the flag, I was impressed with the elaborate paint job on this building. Fine shot.

17 Jul 2012 3:07pm

maximage from Mase, Switzerland

A very nice building with lovely colors and interesting architecture.

17 Jul 2012 9:22pm

@maximage: thanks

Calusarus from Drome des collines, France

A pretty store !

18 Jul 2012 6:28am

Victoria from Sweden

Very nice!

18 Jul 2012 10:19am

Donna Lee Michas from New York, New York, United States

Striking piece of Americana, well preserved for all.

18 Jul 2012 4:43pm

This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.

Striking Street by Donna Lee Michas