There was a two man team shoeing horses at the Hart Square Festival. This man mostly worked on shaping the shoes and another man handled nailing them on. This is perhaps my favorite shot from the festival. It is not quite a straight photo, but I love the spirit.
Explanatory text from earlier posts:
A doctor in Hickory NC has been saving and restoring old cabins, barns and other buildings for 40 years. He eponymously calls his project "Hart Square." On the last Saturday of October, he opens his village to the public. I was lucky enough to secure tickets this year, and spent the day exploring and photographing. On this day, he invites history buffs and craftsmen to demonstrate their skills.
Welcome to all. I began blogging Retained-Images in 2004 at My-Expressions.com. It is gone now.
This image has been featured in 2 Remix collections.