Faded CASE logo

Posted by
Harry (Apex, NC, United States) on 1 May 2015 in Business & Industry and Portfolio.

I'm sure this farm implement has seen many years of hard service, but it still proudly displays its brand logo.

SONY SLT-A77V 1/640 second F/4.5 ISO 400 60 mm (35mm equiv.)

Welcome to all. I began blogging Retained-Images in 2004 at My-Expressions.com. It is gone now.

Toscana from Baden, France

Toute chose a une fin .....
Bonne journée, amitiés, Catherine.

1 May 2015 7:05am

kerrfoa from Rennes, France

Cette ferme a certainement rendu service a bien des hommes pour travailler la terre!

1 May 2015 7:06am

Martine Libouton from Bousval, Belgium

J'aime beaucoup! un beau cadrage

1 May 2015 8:47am

beach from Oshawa, Ontario, Canada

Still can read it. Love the wood. Implements today are all metal--they rust not fade

1 May 2015 11:00am

Ana Lúcia from Leiria, Portugal

Nice colors.

1 May 2015 12:52pm

jean pierre from paris, France

excellent rendu!! amitiés

1 May 2015 2:57pm

Ruthiebear from Titusville, NJ, United States

WOnderful rusty colors and textures.

1 May 2015 4:31pm

L'Angevine from Angers, France


2 May 2015 8:11am