Trashed library

Posted by
Harry (Apex, NC, United States) on 7 August 2019 in Cityscape & Urban and Portfolio.

We found a school that had been closed for several years. It had started out as a segregated school for blacks, but was integrated decades ago. Some parts - like this library - were trashed but in good physical condition (though the ceiling damage in the far corner indicates it might be going faster than it seems). Other parts had more structural problems.

SONY SLT-A77V 8 seconds F/16.0 ISO 200 27 mm (35mm equiv.)

Welcome to all. I began blogging Retained-Images in 2004 at It is gone now.

yoshimiparis from France

all these lost books, that makes me sad

7 Aug 2019 5:03am

By Marie from Entre montagnes et Bretagne, France

It's a shame to have left all these books abandoned. Knowledge is in the books and it is through them that we learn

7 Aug 2019 5:27am

Ronnie 2¢ from Atlantic Shores, United Kingdom

Sad to see whatever the history . .

7 Aug 2019 5:59am

Ralf Kesper from Fröndenberg, Germany

So many lost books there. And even their shelfs are wonderful. Unfortunatly the transport and taxes to Europe were a bit to much, I think.

7 Aug 2019 7:59am

k@ from Paris, France

Wow, quite violent and interesting !

7 Aug 2019 10:21am

Devi from Chennai, India

Gosh many books !! I will just love to get lost here !
It is really sad :))))

7 Aug 2019 11:15am

Hiro from Kyoto, Japan

Wow, unbelievable...

7 Aug 2019 12:09pm

Marjolein from Enkhuizen, Netherlands

I always do this at home, book out, hop on the floor! :-))

7 Aug 2019 1:39pm

Mhelene from Villiers-sur-Marne, France

Superb framing of the state of the library.

7 Aug 2019 2:39pm

Don from Spokane, United States

A fine picture of the trashed library. It’s sad to see the books destroyed. The room seems to be following soon.

7 Aug 2019 3:21pm

marije from ardèche, France

quelle tristesse, abandonner ainsi sa bibliothéque

7 Aug 2019 4:43pm

Steven from Chicagoland, United States

An interesting history you've shared. How unfortunate that they did not take the books with them. I would have been inquisitive to see how old some of these books were by checking copyright dates.

7 Aug 2019 6:24pm

B. Thomas from Arlington, Texas, United States

What a waste of all of those books. Interesting find.

8 Aug 2019 1:17am

Elaine Hancock from Olney, United States

I wonder why they just left all of the books there. They could have been donated someplace or something. It is quite a mess. A great image!

8 Aug 2019 2:13am

Nicou from Sion, Switzerland

Que de livre et au sol aussi quelle ancienne bibliothèque

8 Aug 2019 5:53pm

sherri from Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

this is too sad and such a waste

9 Aug 2019 2:29pm

Anita from West Nottingham, Pennsylvania, United States

Don't understand why these structures are trashed. People looking for goodies? The abandoned places such as this look sadder is color than in black and white. I wonder why.

10 Aug 2019 9:21pm