Still working through the images I created in my Maine fall color expedition.
Date: 10/06/2023
Location: Franconia Gap State Park NH
Welcome to all. I began blogging Retained-Images in 2004 at My-Expressions.com. It is gone now.
@Gérard: thank you for your thoughtful comment. Upon careful review, I agree that flowing out of the frame, especially with the relatively small flow is a compositional weakness. I don't regret my decision, but if I had cropped to exclude the flow after the last round rock, the image. Incidentally, I already cropped a boring swatch of green from the top.
@Darkelf Photography: always so many decisions - from original in-camera framing to crop and process
@Gérard: so many decisions from where to stand, where to point, then where to crop and ...
again - I appreciate the time and effort to look, think and comment