This is Bogue Inlet Fishing Pier. On February 6, I posted a sunrise photo I took here (see https://retained-images.aminus3.com/image/2024-02-06.html). This shot is a couple of days later, and was taken later in the morning (about 8:45 am). The pier is closed for the season, and you can see that is is undergoing renovation. Here I used a longer exposure (about 15 seconds) to get this texture in the water.
The earlier shot was from the other side of the pier, through the pier toward the sun. In this shot, I am on the sun side, and capturing its bright light on the wood.
Date_ 02/04/024
Location: Emerald Isle, NC
Welcome to all. I began blogging Retained-Images in 2004 at My-Expressions.com. It is gone now.
@Steven: there has been no serious storm damage in recent years, but salt and spray and bleaching sun take a hard toll on wood.