The same rainy day, but it had stopped coming down. There were low clouds/fog and everthing shined with the recent precipitation. The house was on private property, but there were many good angles from the road and a nearby field.
Date: 05/05/2023
Location: Ring of Kerry, Ireland
Welcome to all. I began blogging Retained-Images in 2004 at My-Expressions.com. It is gone now.
@Marie-Line: thanks!
@Ramesh: Thanks!
@Steven: thanks!
@Gérard: Thanks!
@Akbar&Armaghan: Thanks!
@mo.langel: Thanks!
@Ana Lúcia: Thanks!
@Maryse: Thanks!
@Ruthiebear: thanks!
@Marjolein: Thanks!
@Mhelene: thanks!
@Elaine Hancock: Thanks!
@Calusarus: Thanks!
@Dimitrios: Thanks!