I could not come up with a caption that did not sound sacrilegious to me.
The crucifixion scene above the litter and bench makes a complicated story.
This is the same staircase that appeared at the right edge of yesterday's Green Bicycle" photo. I did not bring out the stone texture as much as it would be overwhelming.
The plaque beside the door reads "SV MARTINA" - and I believe it is St. Martin's Roman Catholic church. I'm not sure whether it is a side entrance to the church or to a building in the complex. It is on a main square in Ljubljana Slovenia.
Welcome to all. I began blogging Retained-Images in 2004 at My-Expressions.com. It is gone now.
@Hiro: perhaps the photographer should have done a public service and cleaned it up. but, alas, he did not.
@Jean-Luc.M: perhaps the photographer should have done a public service and cleaned it up. but, alas, he did not.
This image has been featured in 1 Remix collection.